Tuesday, December 23, 2008

maytas question paper 2008



A) Reproduction B) Sincere C) Original D) Engineered


A) Cautious B) Grave C) cunning D) sober


A) Upright B) Taut C) Uneven D) Tough


A) Moralist B) Thinker C) Schemer D) Dreamer


A) Ungainly B) Huge C) Pungent D) crude


A) Make a cavity B) Displease C) Humiliate D) Relapse

A) Ornate B) Thriving C) Artistic D) Elegant

8. RAPT:
A) Lively B) Concealed C) Engrossed D) Prototype

A) Penury B) Immunize C) Fertilize D) Reproduce

A) Oration B) Gesture C) Emulation D) Applause

11. The virtue of art does not allow the work to be interferes with or immediately ruled by any thing other than itself. It insists that it alone shall touch the work in order to bring it into being. Art requires that nothing shall attain the work except through art itself.

This passage best supports the statement that:

a. Art is governed by external rules and conditions.
b. Art is for the sake of art and life.
c. Art for the sake of art alone.
d. Artist realizes his dreams through his artistic creation.

12. Though the waste of time or the expenditure on fashions is very large, yet fashions have come to stay. They will not go, come what may. how ever, what is now required is that strong efforts should be made to displace the excessive craze for fashion from the minds of these youngsters.

This passage best supports the statement that:

a. Fashion is the need of the day.
b. The excessive craze for fashion is detrimental to one’s personality.
c. The hoard for fashion should be done away with so as not to let down the constructive development.
d. Work and other activities should be valued more than the out ward appearance.

13. the only true education comes through the stimulation of the child’s powers by the demands of the social situations in which he finds himself .though these demands he is stimulated to act as a member of a unity, to emerge from his original narrowness of action and feeling, and to conceive himself from the stand point of the welfare of the group to which belongs.

This passage best supports the statement that: real education-

a. Will take place in the children are imbibe action and feeling?
b. Will take place if the children are physically strong.
c. Is not provided in our school today.
d. Comes through the interaction with social situations.

14. Emersonsaid that the poet was landlord, sea lord, air lord. The fight of imagination made the poet master of land, sea and air. But a poet’s dream of yester day becomes today an actual achievement and a reality for all men. Even those who invented, improved and perfected the airplane could hardly have dreamt of the airplane could hardly have dreamt of the possibility of fight into outer space.

This passage best supports the statement that:

a. Seemingly impossible imaginations make one a good poet.
b. All imaginations become a reality some day.
c. What man imagined has never been impossible; he has always turned it a reality through his conception if ideas and sheer hard labor.
d. Man has reached the climax of technical development with his exploration into outer space.
15. the prevention of accidents makes it necessary not only that safety devices are used to guard exposed machinery but also that mechanics be instructed in safety rules which the must follow for their own protection , and that lighting in the plant be adequate.

This passage best supports the statement that: industrial accidents-
a. are always avoidable
b. may be due to ignorance
c. cannot be entirely overcome
d. can be eliminated with the help of safety rules

Section B: Quantitative ability

16. A and B working separately can do a piece of work in 15 and 20 days respectively . the work on alternate days starting with A on the first day. In how many days will the work be completed?

a) 15 b) 16 c) 17 d) 18

17. A person leaves his house and traveling at 5 kmph reaches the railway station 15 min. after the departure of the train. Had he traveled at 6 kmph he would have reached the railway station 10 min, before the departure of the train. Find the distance between his house and the railway station?

a) 12.5 km b) 10 km c) 15 km d) 17.5 km

18. If the length of a diagonal of a square is 4 cm. Then find the perimeter of the square?

a) 2√2 cm b) 4√2 cm c) 8 cm d) 8√2 cm

19. In a 1000 meter race, sita beats gita by 50 meter and in the same race; gita beats sarita by 50 meter. By what distance does sita beat sarita?

a) 77.5 m b) 97.5 m c) 87.5 m d) 55.5 m

20. A boat can travel twice the distance down the stream than the up the stream in the same time. If the speed of the current is 2 kmph, find the speed of the boat in still water?

a) 5 kmph b) 6 kmph c) 7 kmph d) 4 kmph

21. A coin is tossed five times. Find the probability to get at least one tail?

a) 31/32 b) 15/32 c) 29/32 d) none.

22. How many four digit numbers divisible by 4 can be formed by using integers from 0 to 6 if no digit occurs more than once in each number?

a) 108 b) 218 c) 208 d) 205

23. Find the number of selections and arrangements can be made by taking four letters from the word “EXPRESSION”?

a) 113; 2910 b) 2190; 113 c) 113; 2190 d) 113; 2090

24. The wheel of a motor car makes 1000 revolutions in moving 440 m. find the diameter of the wheel?

a) 14 cm b) 12 cm c) 9.5 cm d) 11 cm

25. Find the length of an edge of a cube whose volume is equal to the volume of a rectangular pyramid. The base of the pyramid is a square of side 40 cm and its saint height is 25 cm.

a) 15 cm b) 12 cm c) 10 cm d) 20 cm

Critical Reasoning:
(Q.no. 26 to 30)

The force of technological change will have an impact on the manufacturing industry. But the real effect on the information processing industry like software development, service industries like airlines, insurance and consulting – both technical and managerial, designed and executing jobs. Another feature of the technological change by the end of century will be the resistance to change from within and out side the organizations. Satisfactory resolutions will require high degree of mutual co operation between government and industry, industry and its users, management and unions and within organizations across functions.

26. The information processing industry has been less amenable to technological change than the manufacturing industry.

a) definitely true b) probably true c) probably false d) definitely false

27. The technological change will affect only specific functions in an organization leaving the others undisturbed.

a) definitely true b) probably true c) probably false d) definitely false

28. as compared to service industry , the manufacturing industry will be less affected by the technological change.

a) definitely true b) probably true c) probably false d) definitely false

29. technological change has already set in.

a) definitely true b) probably true c) probably false d) definitely false

30. people prefer status quo

a) definitely true b) probably true c) probably false d) definitely false

(Q.no. 31 to 35)

Four girls A,B,C, and D and four boys E,F,G, and H are sitting around an octagonal table. No two boys can sit adjacent to each other. Also , it is known that A sits to the right of E and opposite to D. F sits to the left of B. G sits to the left of C, but not next to D.

31. B is sitting between _____________

a) F&G b) E&F c) H&F d) G&D

32. Who sits to the right of H?

a) D b) C c) B d) can not be determined

33. If a interchanges his place with the person who is sitting opposite to c, then who sits to the right of F?

a) E b) B c) A d) none of these

34. If every boy interchanges his position with the person opposite to him, then who sits between C and D?

a) E b) F c) G d) H

35. Who sits between B and A?

a) E b) F c) G d) H

36. if ‘+’ stands for ‘-‘,’-‘stands for ‘*’,’*’ stands for ‘/’,’/’ stands for ‘+’ then what is the value of 56*7/13-11+15-8/2-7?

a) 30 b) 45 c) 60 d) 90

37. Find prt:qsu , given that p:r =2:3 , q:s=4:3,r:t= 8:9 and t:q=3:4

a) 4/27 b) 8/27 c) 16/27 d) 32/27

38. Which of the following statements are true for a=b=1

a) a*b>a/b b) a*b
(Q. no: 21 to 23), coding and decoding.

39. If HEATER is written as KBDQHO, how will you encode COOLER?


40. According to military code, SYSTEM is SYSMET and NEARER is AENRER. What is the code for FRACTION?


41. In a certain code ADVENTURES is written as TDRESAUVEN. How is SURPRISING written in that code?


(Q. no: 42 to 45)
The table below shows the number of people who responded to the survey about their favorite style of music. Use this information to answer the following questions to the nearest whole percentage.
Age 15-20 21-30 Above 31
classical 6 4 17
Pop 7 5 5
Rock 6 12 14
Jazz 1 4 11
Blues 2 3 15
Hip-hop 9 3 4
Ambient 2 2 2
33 33 68

42. What percentage of respondents under 31, indicated that blues is their favorite style of music?
a) 7.1 b) 7.6 c) 8.3 d) 7.2

43. What percentage of respondents aged 21-30 indicated a favorite style other than rock music?

a) 64% b) 60% c) 75% d) 36%

44. What percentage of the total sample indicated that jazz is their favorite style of music?

a) 6 b) 8% c) 22% d) 11%

45. What per5centage of total sample aged 21-30?

a) 31% b) 23% c) 25% d) 14%

(Q. no: 46-50)
The following pie charts show the distribution of students of graduate and post graduate levels in 7 different institutes – M, N, P, Q, R, S and T in a town.


Total number of students of total number of students of graduate level = 27300
Post graduate level = 24700

46. How many students of institutes M and S are studying at graduate level?

a) 7516 b) 8643 c) 9127 d) 9404

47. Total number of students studying at post graduate level from institutes N and P are
a) 5601 b) 5944 c) 6669 d) 7004

48. What is the total number of graduate and post graduate level students in institute R?

a) 8320 b) 7916 c) 9116 d) 8372

49. What is the ratio between numbers of students studying at post graduate levels respectively from institute S?

a) 14:19 b) 19:21 c) 17:21 d) 19:14

50. What is the ratio between the number of students at post graduate level from institute S and the number of students studying at graduate level from institute Q?

a) 13:19 b) 21:19 c) 13:8 d)19:13

1. A
2. d
3. c
4. c
5. d
6. c
7. a
8. c
9. d
10. d
14. c
16. d
17. a
18. b
20. b
21. d
22. c
24. a
31. a
32. a
33. c
34. b
35. d
37. d
38. c
39. b
40. d
41. c
43. a
44. d
45. c
46. b
47. c
49. d
50. d

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